Sunday, February 1, 2009

Banana Heaven

So this is what happens when you chomp/squish/blend/chop a banana.
Yeah so, I did a banana a long time ago, and i think it's obvious which is that is......or not.
So I decided i'd face it again. And dominate it.
I feel alright about it. I actually do like it.
I really like that light purple. alot. it may be one of my new fave colors.
I got a little messy, and used my fingers, and pants, to paint and dry my brush.
The old one was the first painting i ever really did, back in like october/september.
I discovered that adding the slightest black can ruin the whole thing.
and i discovered how clumsy i was when it came to making small dots.
i still am. not as bad though.
I showed that to Mr. R, and anthony, they said it was alright/good for my first painting.
now that I think back, they were crapping right out of there mouths to me.
Thanks to you to for the encouragement though. maybe you meant it.
But all i know is at least i'm not there anymore, i'm here.
hopefully the progress will continue.
no, i don't expect to become a photorealist or something, but i want to reach my full potential.
Whatever that may be, by that i mean however that mastered/matured style will look like.
like raising a pokemon.
who knows what it'll look like in it's final stage, but it'll be obvious.
Thanks for all the support, that means negative and positive critique.
They all mean alot.
Keep checking in.


  1. i hate how you say that you go out with me.
    that's so stupid.

  2. your paintings are completely random.
    one part will look realistic, while the rest looks completely abstract. also, you use entirely different painting styles for the subject and the background.
    the paints really thick in the background while the subject is just normal.
    maybe you should try something that matches?
    but then again, art IS all about originality.
